Joanna delson
Joanna Delson, a native New Yorker, grew up in a 640 square foot walk-up with her architect father, her mother, and sister. Beautifully designed by her father, the apartment was the inspiration for Joanna's outlook on space. Years later, Joanna, her husband, and their three children moved back to NYC into a 933 square foot apartment where the five of them lived for the next seven years. Joanna tricked out the apartment like a submarine; everything had to have three uses. Visitors exclaimed that the space felt huge and that the family could live there another five years. Thus, in 2002, Space Management Design was born. Using space planning and design techniques, Joanna helps people stay in the city by overcoming their space constraints. It's not always the amount of space, but rather the type of space, that truly matters. Joanna works with her clients, individually, tailoring the space to each client's specific needs and helping them solve their space problems. Over the years, her busy practice, with more than 60 completed projects, has expanded to all kinds of spaces; big and small, residential and office. Joanna helps each client achieve a space that works for the client's lifestyle, is aesthetically pleasing, is efficient and functional, and doesn't break the bank in the process. In her time away from business, Joanna is a community activist who is involved with quality of life issues and historic preservation in New York City.